Defining Addiction and Alcohol Abuse

Based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), alcohol abuse is an alcohol addiction trend of drinking that results in damage to one’s health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work. Individuals who abuse alcohol are still able to set limits for themselves, but alcohol has an adverse effect on their lives and health.

Along with an increased risk of developing health problems related to alcohol consumption. Common signs of alcohol abuse include:

  1. Neglecting duties at work, school, or residence because of alcohol consumption and related patterns.
  2. Drinking in dangerous circumstances like while driving or operating machines, combining with prescription drugs, etc.
  3. Facing legal difficulties directly associated with alcohol such as receiving a DUI, drunk and disorderly conduct, etc.

Alcoholics are often referred to an individual who has a high demand for alcohol, but they develop a mental or physical dependency on alcohol to function daily. Signs of alcohol dependence include:

  • Powerful cravings for alcohol throughout the day and during regular activities.
  • Continuous use despite emotional, physical, or interpersonal issues that are kept. This frequently is seen when alcohol is used to mask emotional or mental distress.
  • Not being capable of limiting drinking. Alcoholics often blackout or lose control when drinking regularly.
  • Building an increased tolerance for alcohol, requiring increased amounts of alcohol to accomplish the same effects.
  • Drinking more or for longer than meant, regardless of not needing to.

Brand-New Alcohol Addiction News 

As more alcohol abuse news comes out, we learn that diagnosing a drinking problem is not as black and white as it was once.

The new approach for drinking problems and addiction analysis measures a person’s drinking problem on a spectrum. On one end of the spectrum, you’ve got the modest drinker: a man who has 2 or fewer drinks daily or a woman who has less or 1. Different levels can categorize the dependency that a person has on alcohol.

The severity of an individual’s alcohol use of a score of 3 subclassifications: moderate, mild, and intense define disorder. There are 11 criteria to contemplate to decide on the degree of alcohol dependency, and it scores a person if they have at least 2 of the symptoms in a 12-month period.

The present presence of 2-3 symptoms signals light AUD; 4-5 symptoms is reasonable; 6 or more is severe signals a high level of alcohol dependency.

Healing Is Possible No Matter Your Current Condition

The U.S. has developed to include alcohol in many social gatherings and events, so you likely have easy access to alcohol most of the day. This level of accessibility and acceptance of drinking has to lead to many persons develop a dependency on alcohol.

Our knowledgeable and experienced staff are here if you or a loved one is struggling to overcome moderate or severe alcohol addiction. ADAPT Programs is a recognized leader in evidence-based alcohol rehab, and we provide you and your family the support, knowledge, and education you require to live a life free from alcohol addiction.

Call us today if you are ready to take the first step in your journey to recovery from alcohol abuse!